27 November 2021

And some women prefer this style because there’s no NEED to touch it for weeks at a time – except to moisturize and do maintenance.
It’s best if you use Argan oil or Moroccan oil, to keep your thick black hair in optimum shape.
You can read more about these products at my URL :
HAIR CARE TIP: If you have inflammation issues, this is your Body reacting to the STRESS you have put on your scalp. So you will likely want to use high-quality oils and shea butter on your lovely locks.
You’ll want to REST your scalp – at intervals — and take out any Hair Extensions after about 8 weeks. Also you could tell your hair stylist to do “looser braids“.
Hair Coloring Tip: If you plan to color your mane, SEEK OUT a highly-skilled pro !
Argan Oil Moisturizers To The Rescue: What is Recommended For You?
You want to maintain your natural SEBUM – thus if You have dry scalp, seek out a hot oil treatment. Don’t have it be too hot, tho; warm oil is best. Then too, you may use a deep conditioner – Shea butter or Argan Oil (like Moroccan Argan Oil ).
Argan oil shampoos can quench your scalp – and repair, so keep that tip in mind.
THERE IS A HAIR MASK – a highly-rated best seller at amazon.
(You can CHECK the Reviews here )
When it comes to Box braids hairstyle, there are so many variations. You may like to review some box braids styles at PINTEREST.
There’s a Moroccan oil treatment called Moroccan Dry Texture Spray (at Amazon) – and also a highly rated product called Moroccan Oil treatment called “MoroccanOil Root Boost“.
Go investigate – you will see the REVIEWS on these are pretty HIGH. Also there is a highly-touted “Leave-in Moisturizer” called Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk Leave-In Moisturizer.
READ more on prepping your hair: